Box 7: Tips for Performance Indicators

  1. Include at least one indicator for each output and outcome. No indicators are included in the design and monitoring framework for impacts.
  2. Align the indicator directly with the output or outcome. Ensure that the indicators do not measure the next or previous level of results and that together they measure all dimensions of the corresponding results statement.
  3. Use stakeholder input where appropriate, especially from beneficiaries, to specify indicators and set targets.
  4. State the baseline for each dimension of performance measured by the indicator: current performance level, zero, or not applicable.
  5. Specify a target for each dimension of performance measured by the indicator using one of the six target types. Disaggregate any indicator that measures people into female and male for baselines and targets, and ensure targets are supported by the findings of the gender analysis.
  6. Specify indicators quantitatively, even if measuring qualitative dimensions.
  7. Limit the number of indicators by including only “need to know” indicators and avoiding “nice to know” indicators.
  8. Use relevant existing indicators where possible, but ensure timely data will be available for monitoring and reporting.
